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Ringless Voicemail Errors
Updated over a week ago

Failure Unable to Detect Voice Mail

This error could indicate that Call Loop encountered an issue while attempting to detect the presence of a voicemail system or mailbox on the recipient's phone number, resulting in a failed delivery of the ringless voicemail.

Possible Causes


Voicemail system not recognized

Call Loop may not be compatible with the specific voicemail system or provider associated with the recipient's phone number. This could lead to a failure in detecting the voicemail system.

Invalid phone number

The recipient's phone number may be invalid or incorrectly entered, causing the system to be unable to detect the voicemail.

Technical issues

Temporary technical problems or network connectivity issues can also result in a failure to detect the voicemail system.

Unable to Detect Voicemail

When Call Loop encounters the "Unable to Detect Voicemail" error, it means that after attempting to send the ringless voicemail, it did not receive the expected response from the recipient's phone indicating the presence of a voicemail system. This can happen for various reasons, such as:

Possible Causes


Voicemail system disabled

The recipient may have disabled their voicemail service intentionally or inadvertently, which prevents Call Loop from leaving a voicemail.

Voicemail box full

The recipient's voicemail box may be full, which can prevent new messages from being delivered. In such cases, the system may not be able to detect the presence of an available voicemail box.

Network or technical issues

There could be temporary network or technical issues on the recipient's side that prevent Call Loop from detecting the voicemail system.

If you encounter this error, you can try the following troubleshooting steps...



Verify the recipient's phone number

Double-check that you have entered the correct phone number for the recipient to ensure there are no typos or mistakes.

Confirm the voicemail system is active

Ensure that the recipient's voicemail service is active and properly set up. The recipient should be able to receive voicemails from other callers.

Retry later

If the issue persists, it's possible that the recipient's voicemail system is temporarily unavailable or experiencing technical difficulties. You can try sending the ringless voicemail at a later time.

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