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Toll-Free Rejection Error Codes

See the causes and possible solutions for toll-free compliance

Updated over 7 months ago

If you've been rejected for Toll-Free Compliance, below you will find a list of error code, the causes, and possible solutions.


Toll Free verification rejection - Edit time expired

The rejected toll-free verification time window has reached the 7 day expiration. An edit is accepted, but the toll-free number remains unverified and the submission is no longer prioritized, so time to process is similar to a new submission. Effective Nov 8, 2023, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Possible Causes

There were no edits to the verification within 7 days of its rejection.

Possible Solutions

Edit and re-submit the toll-free verification. The resubmission will still be received, but it is handled as a new submission, so the review will take slightly longer.


Toll Free verification rejection - Unknown Error

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified due to an unknown error. Messaging traffic on this Toll-Free phone number is blocked.

Possible Causes


Possible Solutions

Contact customer support to learn more.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Sex

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated a forbidden messaging category - (SHAFT: Sex).

Call Loop does not allow Hate speech, harassment, exploitative, abusive, or any communications that originate from a hate group.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Call Loop Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: Spam

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the business or message content was found to be associated with a known spam or fraudulent campaign.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Call Loop Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.


Toll-Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Loan Marketing

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated a forbidden messaging category (High-risk financial services: New loan soliciting).

New loan soliciting, Payday loans, Short term high-interest loans, Third-party loans and Student loans are disallowed content.

"Third-party" means originating from any party other than the one which will service the loan. Examples of third-party loans could include: auto, mortgage, personal, etc. First party loan content is acceptable if it is not promotional messaging.

Note: Any business with a terms of service or privacy policy that mentions sharing or selling consumer data/opt-in information is considered noncompliant.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Call Loop Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.


Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: Fraud

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected.Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated Fraud.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Call Loop Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.


Toll Free verification rejection - Could not validate business information

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Possible Causes

The Toll-Free phone number cannot be verified because of invalid information. The Business Information such as business name or address that was submitted could not be verified or the website URL could be not validated because it is not accessible or available.

Possible Solutions

Ensure all business information fields are valid and accurately represent the business who manages the opt-in and has the relationship with the consumer:


Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in not sufficient: express consent required

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The Opt-in workflow provided in the toll-free verification is not sufficient. Express Consent is required. Express Consent is more than collecting a phone number - it is a voluntary, informed end user choice for a specific purpose - it requires upfront disclosure and intentional action. Explicit opt-in leaves no ambiguity for why the customer gave the phone number, and for how they expect the company will communicate with them.

Every end business must have consent from each recipient they send a message to. Consumers may give permission over text, on a form, on a website, or verbally. Consumers may also give written permission. Listing โ€œSMSโ€ in your Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is not Express Consent.

Note: If there is promotional messaging on this toll-free phone number, it requires express written consent.

Opt-in refers to the process of getting a consumer's permission to send them text messages. According to TCPA law, businesses must have "express written consent" from the consumer before texting them. NonConsumer (A2P) Message Senders should:

  • Obtain a Consumer's consent to receive messages generally;

  • Obtain a Consumer's express written consent to specifically receive marketing messages;

  • Ensure that Consumers have the ability to revoke consent

Possible Solutions

  • Correct your opt-in process to collect a consumer's express consent via CTIA guidelines and resubmit the toll free verification

  • Note: An opt-in call-to-action (CTA) with a checkbox must be unchecked by default


Toll Free verification rejection - phone number not provisioned to Twilio

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

  • The toll-free verification was submitted before the toll-free phone number completed porting to Call Loop.

  • The toll-free phone number is not provisioned to Call Loop.

Possible Solutions

  • If the number is/was with another messaging provider at the time of verification, please ensure the porting or hosting process has been initiated and is complete. Then Delete the rejected toll-free verification and submit a new request after the port completes.

  • If it's not a porting scenario, contact Call Loop Support.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Age Gate

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The Toll-Free phone number cannot be verified because an Age Gate is not present or is not acceptable on your website and/or opt-in policy.

Possible Solutions

Add a robust age gate to your website or opt-in policy. Resubmit the toll free verification with the updated age gate information.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Age Gate

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the website URL in the sample message that you submitted was either from a public URL shortener or is non-secure.

Links to websites embedded within a message cannot conceal or obscure the Message Sender's identity and are not intended to cause harm or deceive Consumers. A website URL used in messaging must be a dedicated custom domain that belongs to your business, not a free shared public link shortener.The domain must align with the message sender identified in the text message itself.

Web addresses contained in messages as well as any websites to which they redirect should unambiguously identify the website owner (i.e., a person or legally registered business entity) and include contact information, such as a postal mailing address.

Possible Solutions

  • Replace call to action (CTA) in sample message with a branded URL. Resubmit the toll free verification with an updated sample message.

  • Ensure that any URL's sent in messages are not sent from a public URL shortener.

  • Consider utilizing Call Loop's Link Shortening to programmatically shorten long links.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Age Gate

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The Toll-Free phone number cannot be verified because an Age Gate is not present or is not acceptable on your website and/or opt-in policy.

Possible Solutions

Add a robust age gate to your website or opt-in policy. Resubmit the toll free verification with the updated age gate information.


Toll-Free phone number verification unable to process - address invalid

Call Loop is unable to process your Toll Free Verification request because it could not be validated by Twilio and could not be submitted for verification review.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the address is invalid. It could be due to:

  • The provided address is not a valid US or Canada address

  • Invalid State or Region

  • Invalid Country

  • Invalid House Number (or Unit/Apartment/Suite Number)

  • Invalid City

  • Invalid Postal Code

  • Invalid Street

  • Invalid Address - multiple issue

Possible Solutions

Correct the address and resubmit the verification in Console or via the Messaging Compliance API. It is not recommended to delete the verification to resolve address validation issue.


Toll-Free phone number verification unable to process - email invalid

Twilio is unable to process your Toll Free Verification request because it could not be validated by Twilio and could not be submitted for verification review.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the email address is invalid. It could be due to:

  • Incorrectly formatted email address

  • Unknown email domain

  • Email is a suspected disposable address

  • Email is invalid

Possible Solutions

Correct the email address and resubmit the verification in Console via the Messaging Compliance API. It is not recommended to delete the verification to resolve email validation issue.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Hate

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated a forbidden messaging category - (SHAFT: Hate).

Twilio does not allow Hate speech, harassment, exploitative, abusive, or any communications that originate from a hate group.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Twilio Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.


Toll-Free phone number verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Hate

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated a forbidden messaging category (SHAFT: Alcohol).

Alcohol traffic is allowed on Toll Free, Short Code, and Long Code in the US, as long as proper age gating procedures are in place. Age gating means that website users must input their date of birth. It cannot be a yes or no question.

All age-gated content into Canada must be blocked across Toll Free, Short Code, and Long Code. The only way to send age-gated traffic into Canada (even with proper age-gating) is to receive a special carrier exemption. Allowed age gated content in Canada include: pocket knives, lighters, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Possible Solutions

Add an Age Gate for your US business website. Resubmit the verification and provide proof in your opt-in workflow documentation that you have measures in place to ensure compliance.


Toll Free verification rejection - Disallowed: SHAFT - Firearms

The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected. Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Possible Causes

The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the submission indicated that the business is associated with or the toll-free verification submission indicated a forbidden messaging category (SHAFT: Firearms and accessories).

Firearms and accessories, Tobacco, Vape, and E-cigarettes are not allowed on Toll Free, Short Code, or Long Code regardless of age gating.

Possible Solutions

If you are confident that your business and messaging use case does not fit into forbidden message categories, contact Twilio Support to provide Additional Information that explains your use case.

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