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NEW! Campaigns Explained

Create automated multi-channel drip campaigns with SMS, voice, and ringless from one unified campaign.

Updated over 12 months ago

With Call Loop's Campaigns, you'll be able to create multi-step, multi-channel messaging campaigns using SMS, voice, and ringless messages from one unified campaign.

Types of Campaigns

Interval Based

You can create campaigns that are sent out over a period of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. This gives you a simple way to create a campaign that will play out over time for the contacts that are enrolled.

  • Minutes

  • Hours

  • Days

  • Weeks

  • Months

  • Years

These campaigns are great for ongoing messaging, lead engagement, and long term nurture campaigns.

Date Based

With a Date Based campaign, you can set the exact day and time you want your messages to be sent to the enrolled contacts. For example, if you have an event coming up on October 10, 2023, you can create a series of messages that are sent out weeks and days before it starts informing attendee's of important information or prospects to get their tickets.

Day & Time



10/05/2023 at 2:00PM


Event is starting in a few weeks. Be sure to get your tickets!

10/07/2023 at 12:00PM


"Just a reminder about the event starting."

10/07/2023 at 12:00PM


Last chance to get your tickets. (with pic)

10/13/2023 at 2:00PM


Two days left. Get your tickets before the event starts.

These type of campaigns work great for events and hard dates.

Date Field Campaigns

With Date Field campaigns, these are dynamic since they use the date on the Call Loop custom field. For example, with an appointment reminder each person has a specific date for their appointment and therefore with this type of campaign, you can send messages 3 days BEFORE, AFTER, and ON the specific date on the contacts date field.

If the contacts appointment is on 10/5/2023, then the campaign can be created to use this date on the Custom Field "Appointment Date" as date to use for that particular contact.


  • Before

  • On

  • After


  • Days

  • Weeks

  • Months

  • Years

Day & Time


5 days BEFORE { appt_date } at 2PM


1 days BEFORE { appt_date } at 2PM


ON { appt_date } at 9AM


1 day AFTER { appt_date } at 2PM


2 weeks AFTER { appt_date } at 2PM


Date & Time Field Campaigns

With Date & Time Field campaigns, these are similar to Date Field Campaigns, the difference is that this campaign uses the Date / Time custom field for the campaign.

Because this custom field includes the TIME, you can send messages MINUTES and HOURS before, after, and on the specific date and time on the contacts date/time field.

For example, if the date and time for the Service appointment is 10/05/2023 at 2:00PM, you can create a campaign that will send a message on the day of the appointment hours before. (e.g. Send this SMS 1 hour BEFORE the appointment date).


  • Before

  • On

  • After


  • Minutes

  • Hours

  • Days

  • Weeks

  • Months

  • Years

Day & Time


1 days BEFORE { appt_date } at 2PM


1 hour BEFORE { appt_date }


15 minutes BEFORE { appt_date }


1 hour AFTER { appt_date }


2 weeks AFTER { appt_date } at 2PM


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